I'm not really like this, I have put me off so long...
The Scents
1:10 a.m.

When we were getting dressed in that room
Dark as being blind
You hate that room so much
You accidentally put on
My brand new Make Up tee shirt

It happens, I guess
Both our shirts were black
But mine�s too small for you
And when I put it on
It was covered in your cologne
And sweat It smelled like being temporarily happy

I slept in it.
I guess that�s weird.
But the next morning it only smelled like me
So it doesn�t really matter.

My hunter sand mocha mud and rose scarf
Has the scent of the back of chris�s unwashed neck
His pomaded scalp
His vodka sweat
Cigarettes and pot

Being with Chris is like
Riding ponies at someone else�s birthday party
When you�re there you�re glad
But stay too long
And your friends start to resent you
and your parents tell you
To �take your bath and wash real good�

I wear that scarf every day
Not because of him
I just do
But it still smells Chrissy

Jason wore my Winnie the Pooh hat
For two straight weeks
I�m convinced
I bet he bathed in it

He wore axe body spray
I saw those commercials
With beautiful women climbing on top of
ugly short geeks
because of their smell
and that was me and Jason,
minus the hot women
and ugly short geek

I had to stamp out his fragrance
With shampoo and tide
And calgon body spray
The calling card of ghetto smoking
fourteen year old girls

I don't need to wonder why
I can�t find you anymore
Your scent,
I was wearing that scarf when I saw you
I smell my tee shirt even though I�ve washed it
At least five times

You are like my house
The first day after camp
It�s odd to be back
But soon it�s like you never left
And you start to remember the misery
That is your silent roommate

Yet I still
Envision the first time we were alone
As I drift off to sleep
Your eyes flashed at me
As you bared your teeth like a wolf
Murmured something I didn�t understand
In a growl
and the sweet smell of aftershave and Marlboros
filtered through smoky air.

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About Me:

Feverish ramblings of a pseudostar on the edge of disillusionment

Last Five Entries:

Lowlives, revisited - 2012-10-10
Sula Peace need - 2012-10-10
at 17 - 2012-10-10
puppy ii - 2012-10-10
Continuation - 2012-10-10