I'm not really like this, I have put me off so long...
Sept 11, A day of history
7:25 p.m.

In the City of God there will be a Great thunder, two brothers torn apart by chaos, While the fortress the Great leader will succumb, The third Big War will began when the Big City is Burning. -Nostradumus 1654

piccadilly6: you're HERE

Halmooky: yes

Halmooky: i'm living.

josh: brendan and i were getting worried since you haven't been on, rather uncharacteristically

josh: GOOD

josh: you weren't there were you?

Halmooky: no, i was at school

Halmooky: but they held us late

Halmooky: it was just awful

josh: did you hear any of it?

Halmooky: well

Halmooky: all day they had us sit and watch

Halmooky: they were nervous

josh: that sucks!!!! well i'm glad you're safe. my evening classes were cancelled because of it

josh: yeah

Halmooky: they kept announcing...

josh: well you're in the middle of it, so it's different, y'know

Halmooky: and all of these kids...it was awful...i went to the bathroom and they're throwing up and crying

Halmooky: because their parents work on the 102nd floor or something

josh: but even here they shut EVERYTHING down

josh: because they didn't know where it was going to happen

Halmooky: yea

josh: oh FUCK

josh: there was a 747 going to beijing that emergency landed here in GR because of it

Halmooky: yea, they forced everything down

Halmooky: the worst part was the jumpers

josh: yep - i think 5 planes emergency landed here

josh: crazy shit. this is going to be an incredibly mad MAD week

josh: and i think it's gonna make everyone a bit wary of getting on planes for a while

Halmooky: and tourism

josh: all your friends and their familiies are all more or less okay though yeah?

Halmooky: not sure. =(

Halmooky: a friend's mother is MIA

Halmooky: a lot of kids at school don't know

josh: FUCK!!!!

Halmooky: because a lot of the stocks places are high up

josh: yeah that's true, and a lot of parents commute to the city and live far out who are well to do correct?

Halmooky: well we're not far

Halmooky: but this is a wealthy community which is near the city

josh: no but you're not midtown either

Halmooky: which makes it ideal for stock type parents

Halmooky: no, we're not.

josh: exactly. that's scary.

Halmooky: yea

Halmooky: it didn't strike me as important until i went into the bathroom and realized how many of our relatives work in nyc

josh: yeah

Halmooky: its scary

Halmooky: it was just a day of shambles

josh: exactly

josh: it's gonna be like this for a week or so i think.

josh: until the dust (literally) settles

josh: and people sort out exactly what's going on

Halmooky: i don't think we should worry about getting bombed in the suburbs...but my concern was war type things

josh: so since he works for the gov't initially i'm very thankful they didn't raise an attack on downtown

Halmooky: yea, thats lucky

Halmooky: it seems to me

josh: yeah, exactly. me too. obviously no one is going to target grand rapids michigan but here is where lots of crazy stuff could happen as detroit and chicago would get forced into here, planes and people who work there and whatever....

Halmooky: that the places they would be likely to attack next (as far as motive and such...) would be either Seattle and Atlanta (the destroy america track) or London (destroy cabinet meeting)

josh: there could in fact be a war, but the biggest thing was that we didn't know how many planes were like that and how long it would last

josh: yeah london halted all air traffic over london

Halmooky: well the thing is

Halmooky: my friend is Israeli

Halmooky: and the people that took responsibility that they turned down...are radical reformists

Halmooky: and they're having a big meeting this week in london about palestine

Halmooky: and i think they wanted to stop the peace talks

josh: yeah - there's tons of silly shit going on with that

josh: and palestinians were applauding it in the streets and passing out cakes and sweets

Halmooky: i know

josh: i wish there wasn't this religion divide

josh: and that there wasn't religion

Halmooky: it's a palestinian holiday

josh: everything would be.... so much easier in life

Halmooky: i know

Halmooky: my religious friend had no comment

Halmooky: In the City of God there will be a Great thunder, two brothers torn apart by chaos, While the fortress the Great leader will succumb, The third Big War will began when the Big City is Burning. -Nostradumus 1654

josh: there was this girl on tv here from some christian college talking about how we need to pray and rally around and pray for the president and (at this point i'm like "ok fair play") pray for america to come together as a christian country ..... whatever. that's the problem with it is all this religious stuff

josh: oh good god

Halmooky: religion creates the divide

josh: now, is the city of god new york or jerusalem

Halmooky: hehe

Halmooky: i always thought it was jerusalem

Halmooky: but hey, maybe new york is like god

josh: maybe new york is the city of god

josh: because all types of people from all races and nationalities are there

Halmooky: perhaps.

Halmooky: i'm going to run now...gotta make some calls.

josh: ok take care

Halmooky: thanks for concern... ;-)

josh: yep not a problem. stay safe

Halmooky: laters

josh: byebye

brendan: hey

Halmooky: hi

Halmooky: i'm okay,

brendan: you alright...?

brendan: ok, good

brendan: I hadn't seen you on all day and I got a bit worried

Halmooky: yea they held us late at school

brendan: my family, friends' family back home are ok, I assume...there are a lot of people who go to my high school who's parents work at the pentagon but everyone I've talked to says things are alright

Halmooky: yea.

brendan: how close is your school?

Halmooky: there were a lot more injuries up here

Halmooky: it's about 15 miles

brendan: I'd imagine

brendan: wow

brendan: did you hear it?

Halmooky: we all went to the bridge to watch

Fnord23BC: jeez

Halmooky: we could see it

brendan: it's so unreal

Halmooky: i know

Halmooky: i'm just glad there was no nuking

Halmooky: cos then you wouldn't be talking to me

Halmooky: it's terrorism, though

brendan: so they didn't evacuate you? you were far enough away?

Halmooky: well they held us

brendan: yeah

Halmooky: it's funny, all other states got evacuated...but we were held

Halmooky: they closed campus and everything

brendan: yeah, they closed the DC campuses...I'm too far south at school for it to reasonably affect us

Halmooky: yea...

Halmooky: they're trying to evacuate NYC

brendan: how close do you live?

Halmooky: about 15 miles

brendan: wow....

Halmooky: In the City of God there will be a Great thunder, two brothers torn apart by chaos, While the fortress the Great leader will succumb, The third Big War will began when the Big City is Burning. -Nostradumus 1654

brendan: yeah I saw that earlier today

Halmooky: thats just insane

brendan: 'tis

Halmooky: i'm going to run now...gotta make some calls.

brendan: alright

brendan: good luck, peace

POOTS: is everyone ok on your end?

Halmooky: unfortunately, not.

Halmooky: i'm okay

Halmooky: but there's about 15000 people who arent

POOTS: wow

POOTS: im so sorry

POOTS: sure your only somone i know from makeout club

POOTS: but im sorry

Halmooky: it's alright

Halmooky: i appreciate it

Halmooky: it's just really frightening

Halmooky: but if they were gonna nuke us...

Halmooky: they'd have done it by now

POOTS: nukes are easy to trace

POOTS: this was organized and planned

POOTS: its just so happens to be an international peace day and a palastenian holiday today

Brett: i know you prolly got this 20 times alreayd, buy you alright?

Halmooky: yes i'm alright

Halmooky: not everyone else is, but iam

Brett: know anyone who was there?

Halmooky: friend's parents

Halmooky: i'm going to run now...gotta make some calls.

Brett: alright

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About Me:

Feverish ramblings of a pseudostar on the edge of disillusionment

Last Five Entries:

Lowlives, revisited - 2012-10-10
Sula Peace need - 2012-10-10
at 17 - 2012-10-10
puppy ii - 2012-10-10
Continuation - 2012-10-10