I'm not really like this, I have put me off so long...
10:58 p.m.

beth (10:26:52 PM): betsy, female anatomy question

Halmooky (10:26:54 PM): yes

Beth (10:27:03 PM): is the hymen INSIDE or OUTSIDE

Halmooky (10:27:42 PM): it's supposedly on the inside.

Beth (10:27:45 PM): because i always thought, until yesterday, that it was OUTSIDE. but i was told that no, it's INSIDE. but now i'm looking at my bio book, and it says that it covers the vaginal opening. which leads me to believe OUTSIDE again.

Halmooky (10:27:50 PM): haha

Halmooky (10:27:54 PM): well...

Halmooky (10:28:07 PM): it's like this:

Halmooky (10:28:12 PM): figure there's the outer lips

Halmooky (10:28:14 PM): the inner lips

Halmooky (10:28:17 PM): and then the cunt

Halmooky (10:28:28 PM): now there's prolly a good 2 inches of lips

beth (10:28:30 PM): to put it bluntly, yes

Halmooky (10:28:32 PM): lol

Halmooky (10:28:37 PM): so it's more "inside"

Beth (10:28:58 PM): that's till outside to me.

Halmooky (10:29:01 PM): and it's also like half an inch up from the opening, i believe....

Halmooky (10:29:09 PM): you could probably see it

Halmooky (10:29:13 PM): but it's well concealed

Beth (10:29:39 PM): let me phrase it like this- would you say that it's UP the opening....or just in the area?

Beth (10:29:57 PM): see, i figure it covers the opening, from the outside.

Beth (10:30:11 PM): but apparently it's internal

Bif12985 (10:30:27 PM): and now i'm just very confused

Halmooky (10:30:40 PM): its internal

Halmooky (10:30:49 PM): it's not like a lid on a jar.

Halmooky (10:31:01 PM): it's more like...

Halmooky (10:31:05 PM): you know how glue is?

Beth (10:31:15 PM): yes, i know how glue is

Halmooky (10:31:17 PM): when there's a hole and you think the glue will come out...

Halmooky (10:31:37 PM): but then it doesn't because just beyond the hole is a little glue blockade?

Halmooky (10:31:50 PM): thats sort of like the hymen for glue

Beth (10:32:00 PM): interesting analogy

i am really weird sometimes.

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About Me:

Feverish ramblings of a pseudostar on the edge of disillusionment

Last Five Entries:

Lowlives, revisited - 2012-10-10
Sula Peace need - 2012-10-10
at 17 - 2012-10-10
puppy ii - 2012-10-10
Continuation - 2012-10-10