I'm not really like this, I have put me off so long...
dreams, 5 23
10:11 a.m.

Dream last night that I went into your house and it was one huge room, like a converted public pool. There were rows and rows of clothes like a clothing store and I was making fun of you for being such a girl and then a couple of girls showed up and I was like "what's going on?" And you seemed a little weirded out by the fact that I had come back to your house and decided to look around. You offered me some food and I asked for some vodka and told you it was the best way to drink. You were all "Oh on an empty stomach? Really? You better not get sick." I didn't get sick but I decked one of those girls. Whee

Dream 2

My job gave me a gun (I am just a photographer!)...and I had fun just taking a few rounds off, then I realized I better not! So I took all the bullets out and this big cop comes over and asks to see it. I explain to him it was given to me and there are no bullets. He gives me a massive lecture on gun safety. Then I see everyone running from the party they were at and the cop leaves me in his car and gets in himself. I discreetly load one bullet into the gun and slip it back into my pocket. The culprit is a woman with red hair and she makes the cop drive me home. I'm thinking if I save the cop the charges will get dropped so when we get into the kitchen, I pull out my gun too

We're standing gun to gun and I tell her she's not going to shoot me, and she tells me I won't shoot her, and just when I'm about to, she fires a shot. I feel like fire's in me and weak and blackness and I can't talk...I don't think she hit me though....then I realize she shot me in the mouth. And she's fucking laughing and saying "Look at your tongue there's a hole in it!" and I realize I'm going to pass out and then die. So I try to shoot her but I can't find the bullet.

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About Me:

Feverish ramblings of a pseudostar on the edge of disillusionment

Last Five Entries:

Lowlives, revisited - 2012-10-10
Sula Peace need - 2012-10-10
at 17 - 2012-10-10
puppy ii - 2012-10-10
Continuation - 2012-10-10