I'm not really like this, I have put me off so long...
A look back on resolutions '04
2:59 p.m.

Last year's resolutions:

Start the juice diet and keep it til at least valentine's day (and try to keep Micah on board): er, actually, surprisingly, Juice lasted all the way through January until the juicer broke. and i did lose about 10 pounds.

Become NC's answer to Michael Alig (minus the penis, the heroin and the murder): uh, not so much. my parties go over, but not like his did.

Dye hair any color besides "darker blonde": I dyed it red.

Be nicer to the nice people I've been a bastard to this year (Nat, Chris, Nathan).: Nat I lost touch with, Chris hung up on me and Nathan and I are chill.

Let go of relationships that're dead (this will be a toughie).: Not as tough as I thought. Bastard Scum was demoted to Bastard Lite after Pan showed his true colours, and I kinda stopped caring about Bastard Scum. The only one left is MLA...and Diamond eyes. But both of those are still kinda happening.

Win an award in Plan V.: I Did! My lentils won the fall cookoff. But I never got paid...

Pay Ginny.: =/

Give Jill back her music.: At Thanksgiving, I managed.

Get a job.: Worked for Yeproc...also work as a dogsitter

Find an SO and have a real relationship (entailing that I do not weasel my way out of commitment with a streching or redefinition of "relationship"): ugh and it was a complete waste of time and energy

Cut down on all non-alcoholic smoking.: haven't had one in about 4 weeks.

Talk to doctor about dropping the pill.: instead I switched like 4 times.

Develop a new unhealthy habit.: I didn't find one =(...does codiene count?

Make a move on Frank (Aka, stop being a pussy): nope

Become fag hag of the year!: er, no.

Everyday, try to make the world a more fabulous place. =): tussle shiek will DEFINITELY make the world more fabulous

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About Me:

Feverish ramblings of a pseudostar on the edge of disillusionment

Last Five Entries:

Lowlives, revisited - 2012-10-10
Sula Peace need - 2012-10-10
at 17 - 2012-10-10
puppy ii - 2012-10-10
Continuation - 2012-10-10