I'm not really like this, I have put me off so long...
A look back on resolutions '14
7:07 p.m.

1. Visit at least 6 new places this year, don't be afraid to go it alone, because you are your best friend: Yes! The whole country, and especially, Carlsbad Caverns, Zion, Grand Staircase, Grand Canyon, Redwood Forest, SLC, Seattle, Portland, Olympia, Denver... AKA everywhere, alone, the best.

2. Don't be afraid to turn your back on who and what you've been. Be someone you want to be not some line in the sand: Yep. I can wander, I can run, I can be reasonable and successful...but I can also do that shit without compromising all the lines I've drawn..

3. Commit to some sort of healthy living extension involving movement for at least 3 months: Well, after the spirit quest (which involved lots of movement but also lots of indulgence), things got a little out of control, but they're back now.

4. Run the GRNC 10K: did not exist, and a 25K is ludicrous, sry not sry Merge.

5. Get rid of things: So many things. And yet, I still need to get rid of more.

6. Sell your car: YESSSSSS

7. Sell everything you can bear to part with: WORKING ON IT

8. Hit the road: YES

9. Stick to the plan: SPIRIT QUEST COMPLETE

10. Success is the best revenge: YES IT IS MOTHERFUCKER$

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About Me:

Feverish ramblings of a pseudostar on the edge of disillusionment

Last Five Entries:

Swallowing Teeth - 2015-05-19
chicken - 2015-05-19
Birds vs Worms - 2015-05-19
A+ Bravo - 2015-05-19
Resolutions '15 - 2015-01-01