I'm not really like this, I have put me off so long...
Pre-flight toast
10:55 a.m.

This is the first one of these I have written in almost ten years. It's not from a get2net terminal, although I don't know if those even exist anymore, because it has been nearly 7 years since I've stepped foot in an airport.

I am going to Las Vegas for the first time and the hedonist in me trumped the grumpy, practical, control freak who wants to stay here and do nothing. So I am, for the first time in a long time, going to get on that plane. I hope.

I'm uneasy and there are people who I want to call...there is a person I want to call and say "hey, I am doing something that is very scary for me and I just want you to know that and be there for me" but that call won't get answered and will just make everything worse for not being answered so I called my mom and I texted tow and I am leaving this here for all of you as a reminder of my pre-flight pleas of yore, my jitters and my growth, or whatever. The fucked up thing is I don't know if I'm afraid of flying or just hate it I just know I don't do it anymore, and that's all I need to know. I still haven't packed and am supposed to leave in about an hour. My dog's stomach sounds like my brain, all protests and ticks. I dread and loathe the whole experience. There is something so much more romantic about hitting the open road just you and your car, or "I'm going to sail" than this, but this is what I have. I had a nightmare last night that I drove to las vegas and then when I got there someone stole my car and I had to walk through a shady neighborhood with this french guy on a cell phone way too close to me, sort of like that dog that attacked me on Broadway street-- he just kept getting closer and I tried to ignore the breath on my back but when I felt his teeth I bolted and arose some hunting or chase instinct in him that made him attack with earnest -- anyway I woke up crying, hungover, and tea cake in my arms wheezing his little heart out.

but here are the toasts:

to no delays
to no hassles with the TSA
to no DVT
to no vomiting
to no losing bags
to no plane crash
to a happy trip
and to a happier me

see you on the other side.

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About Me:

Feverish ramblings of a pseudostar on the edge of disillusionment

Last Five Entries:

coupling - 2013-03-09
playing house - 2013-03-09
Raise - 2013-03-09
Ross - 2013-02-07
Williams - 2013-01-26