I'm not really like this, I have put me off so long...
Resolutions, 11
12:20 p.m.

In light of last year's failures, I'll just get stricter.

1. Take up running/jogging/swedish pole walking whatever the fuck. Just make use of yr xmas presents.

2. Raw, for real, 60 days. YOU CAN DO IT!

3. Keep up with my blog. Post at least 1x a week (52 entries in a year, not undoable!)

4. Write one song per week and actually submit one per month to publishers.

5. Stop it with all of them. Start over.

6. Clean and maintain yr bedroom so it looks more like a grown up (or at least a teenage girl) and not a garbage man lives there.

7. Make your strides toward business, whatever it may mean to others.

8. Learn to play at least 5 songs on the piano, by heart.

9. Ride in one horse show.

last :: next
About Me:

Feverish ramblings of a pseudostar on the edge of disillusionment

Last Five Entries:

coupling - 2013-03-09
playing house - 2013-03-09
Raise - 2013-03-09
Ross - 2013-02-07
Williams - 2013-01-26